<!-- The JavaScript -->
<script src="../js/jquery.transform-0.8.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var ie = false;
if ($.browser.msie) {
ie = true;
//current album/image displayed
var enableshow = true;
var current = -1;
var album = -1;
//windows width
var w_width = $(window).width();
var $albums = $('#pp_thumbContainer div.album');
var $loader = $('#pp_loading');
var $next = $('#pp_next');
var $prev = $('#pp_prev');
var $images = $('#pp_thumbContainer div.content img');
var $back = $('#pp_back');
//we wnat to spread the albums through the page equally
//number of spaces to divide with:number of albums plus 1
var nmb_albums = $albums.length;
var spaces = w_width/(nmb_albums+1);
var cnt = 0;
//preload all the images (thumbs)
var nmb_images = $images.length;
var loaded = 0;
var $image = $(this);
$('<img />').load(function(){
if(loaded == nmb_images){
//let's spread the albums equally on the bottom of the page
var $this = $(this);
var left = spaces*cnt - $this.width()/2;
//also rotate each picture of an album with a random number of degrees
var $this = $(this);
var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*41)-20;
$this.transform({'rotate' : r + 'deg'});
}).attr('src', $image.attr('src'));
function spreadPictures(){
var $album = $(this);
//track which album is opened
album = $album.index();
//hide all the other albums
//now move the current album to the left
//and at the same time spread its images through
//the window, rotating them randomly. Also hide the description of the album
//store the current left for the reverse operation
var total_pic = $album.find('.content').length;
var cnt = 0;
//each picture
var $content = $(this);
//window width
var w_width = $(window).width();
var spaces = w_width/(total_pic+1);
var left = (spaces*cnt) - (140/2);
var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*41)-20;
//var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*81)-40;
.animate({'rotate': r+'deg'},300);
//back to albums
//the current album gets its innitial left position
//all the other albums slide up
//the current image slides out
//there's a picture being displayed
//lets slide the current one up
if(current != -1){
var $current_album = $('#pp_thumbContainer div.album:nth-child('+parseInt(album+1)+')');
var $content = $(this);
$content.unbind('mouseenter mouseleave click');
//displays an image (clicked thumb) in the center of the page
//if nav is passed, then displays the next / previous one of the
//current album
function showImage(nav){
if(!enableshow) return;
enableshow = false;
if(nav == 1){
//reached the first one
enableshow = true;
var $content = $('#pp_thumbContainer div.album:nth-child('+parseInt(album+1)+')')
//reached the last one
enableshow = true;
var $content = $(this);
//show ajax loading image
//there's a picture being displayed
//lets slide the current one up
if(current != -1){
current = $content.index();
var $thumb = $content.find('img');
var imgL_source = $thumb.attr('alt');
var imgL_description = $thumb.next().html();
//preload the large image to show
$('<img style=""/>').load(function(){
var $imgL = $(this);
//resize the image based on the windows size
//create an element to include the large image
//and its description
var $preview = $('<div />',{
'id' : 'pp_preview',
'className' : 'pp_preview',
'html' : '<div class="pp_descr"><span>'+imgL_description+'</span></div>',
'style' : 'visibility:hidden;'
var largeW = $imgL.width()+20;
var largeH = $imgL.height()+10+45;
//change the properties of the wrapping div
//to fit the large image sizes
'width' :largeW+'px',
'height' :largeH+'px',
'marginTop' :-largeH/2-20+'px',
'marginLeft' :-largeW/2+'px',
'visibility' :'visible'
//show navigation
//hide the ajax image loading
//slide up (also rotating) the large image
var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*41)-20;
var param = {
var param = {
'rotate': r+'deg'
enableshow = true;
//error loading image. Maybe show a message : 'no preview available'?
//click next image
//click previous image
//slides up the current picture
function hideCurrentPicture(){
current = -1;
var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*41)-20;
var param = {
var param = {
'rotate': r+'deg'
//shows the navigation buttons
function showNavigation(){
//hides the navigation buttons
function hideNavigation(){
//mouseenter event on each thumb
function upImage(){
var $content = $(this);
'marginTop' : '-70px'
.animate({'rotate': '0deg'},400);
//mouseleave event on each thumb
function downImage(){
var $content = $(this);
var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*41)-20;
'marginTop' : '0px'
},400).find('img').stop().animate({'rotate': r + 'deg'},400);
//resize function based on windows size
function resize($image){
var widthMargin = 50
var heightMargin = 200;
var windowH = $(window).height()-heightMargin;
var windowW = $(window).width()-widthMargin;
var theImage = new Image();
theImage.src = $image.attr("src");
var imgwidth = theImage.width;
var imgheight = theImage.height;
if((imgwidth > windowW)||(imgheight > windowH)){
if(imgwidth > imgheight){
var newwidth = windowW;
var ratio = imgwidth / windowW;
var newheight = imgheight / ratio;
theImage.height = newheight;
theImage.width= newwidth;
var newnewheight = windowH;
var newratio = newheight/windowH;
var newnewwidth =newwidth/newratio;
theImage.width = newnewwidth;
theImage.height= newnewheight;
var newheight = windowH;
var ratio = imgheight / windowH;
var newwidth = imgwidth / ratio;
theImage.height = newheight;
theImage.width= newwidth;
var newnewwidth = windowW;
var newratio = newwidth/windowW;
var newnewheight =newheight/newratio;
theImage.height = newnewheight;
theImage.width= newnewwidth;